Steps to Building Credibility & Winning Your Client’s Trust


Steps to Building Credibility & Winning Your Client’s Trust

Since G-Byte Techno has been extremely busy in serving customers over the course of almost a decade we consider building credibility with new clients extremely important. Fortunately, clients usually have many positive interactions with people at Atomic Object before meeting with us, which tees up the relationship.

Nevertheless, there’s often a noticeable skepticism from clients before implementation begins. This is understandable, as these clients are trusting us to build their dreams or prototype out the next evolution of their business. Breaking these barriers down quickly is essential. The faster there is mutual trust, the faster we can begin to build great software.

Interestingly, we’ve found that clients unintentionally hint at their risks and concerns early in the relationship. An experienced IT consultant can pick up on these encrypted messages and figure out how to decode them before they have negative consequences on the project.

If you want to succeed in client's relationship than listen: At the very start of the project, we think of ourseleves as a sponge. we need to understand the ecosystem surrounding the project. This includes the stakeholders’ expectations and constraints, plus how the software needs to work and for whom. Clients often offer up a lot of useful information during the first few meetings.

Interestingly, we’ve found that clients unintentionally hint at their risks and concerns early in the relationship. An experienced IT consultant can pick up on these encrypted messages and figure out how to decode them before they have negative consequences on the project.

How do you convice client on things that you do?

  • Research arms you with knowledge of the industry, the client’s competitors, and the proposed designs/system. You want to dive deep into the domain, system, and users
  • Ultimately, you’ll want to be able to ask relevant questions. We take the learnings from the clients and the research to build a mental model of how I think the system needs to work.

How fruit can be asking Questions & Giving Suggestions?

It’s now time to ask questions about the mental model. The goal is to identify any discrepancies in the system. A few examples: Will this work for a particular user? How does this part of the system talk to another?

Does Questioning & Answering has same effect?

We think of questioning and suggestions as two different but closely linked steps. We first focus on questioning the basics to prove to myself that the mental model of the system is accurate. Then I describe my mental model to the client to see how it matches up with their understanding.